The purpose is to be a reminder and an invitation to the wonderful experience to be had, walking the Camino de Santiago. My Camino was the "Camino Frances" The first poem "All souls" remained un-named for most of the camino, until a dear friend and walking partner delivered the name to me. As you will note it was dedicated to a very special person, a complete stranger, who showed me beyond all doubt, what the power of kindness was for.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Days of Solitude.
I know already, the way will be tougher than most.
Not just because of the rising landscapes to come,
But for the time alone, almost no-one to meet.
Of course passing through there will be people,
On whom I hope to share the days ahead, with.
But few will be walking alongside me to Santiago,
Other routes becoming popular, this road so quiet.
So I pray for help in the tranquility of solitude,
That I leave despair behind me, in Zamora.
I'm told of the beauty this walk will bring,
So will be in paradise, even if I'm alone.
To wake each day to peace ?
No sounds of gunfire ringing,
Children laughing, not crying in fear.
Just because we are greedy,
By nature not wanting to share.
But here on this Camino,
Are we not seeing this love ?
Do we not feel its real power,
When we recieve such kindnesses ?
I for one know its truth,
For the 'way' has let me observe.
So please dear pilgrims, new friend,
Take home with you this Camino.
Share this experience of peace,
Imagine a world of peace and love.
( Your memory still lives as if you had only just left the room)
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
I feel sure I exceeded a limit of normality.
But of course I know, nothing is ever, just normal,
It is an amount of all, that is greater or lesser.
Having persisted ´til now, means I failed to quit,
When a wiser man, surely, would have rest before now.
Desire overcomes the sense, and the will has a laugh,
When the body says "no!" and the mind pushes on.
Why do I continue, when I really should stop ?
Before the pain rises, and I cry from the blisters.
Because I dare say, I am filled with a hope,
That before the last mile, I will realise my dream.
Come home to the faith,
My sacrifices are valid,
In giving me release,
From the sins I commit...
The road to Santiago.
Waiting for my friend.
Your arrival though felt, has been told unto me.
Friends and aquaintances, have heralded your coming,
And now I wait patiently, for the hour.
I wonder, did I choose well, the place to encounter ?
As I sit by the bridge, over which I expect you.
And will you recognise the friendship we share ?
Feel the peace becoming, from the brotherhood united.
Many miles we toiled, to arrive in this place,
A welcome we favour, so thats why I`ve come.
To greet you with a smile, to lighten your burden,
And remind you I care, for you are my friend.
Before I knew light through the opening door.
A life of servitude, to unseen tithes and laws,
Left me closed to life, before I found you.
It never entered, my consciousness that I,
Would one day realise, the weight of pressure,
That the old ways had laddened me down,
No rescue from burden, the weight of the world.
But here you loved, and cared that I see,
A new future of love, without fear from all.
Deep within your heart, you knew me so well,
And let me become, a light of the world.
As we deal with becoming open to feel,
Just which is our way and what is true.
We may discover love is the purest form,
Of sharing with others or we may forget,
As we struggle to carry, the burdens we hold.
So which are we, the teacher of love,
Or the servant of the fear we still carry ?
Be not affraid to ask of the Universal bank.
As we teach one another we also learn hope,
That escape from fear is our way ahead,
We become Masters of love, and Servants of everyone...
Five star Albergue.
is a reunion of spirit, when I see such comfort.
How can I possibly pay for suffering today,
In these lush green and quiet gardens ?
For sure, the many who travelled thusfar,
Will be at peace, now we have come.
Their efforts remembered in cloisters of silence.
To be part of this family, in who`s care,
We become as one, I pray with thanks.
Charity is forever shared when we recieve love.
The provisions laid down for others to follow,
Such kindly bretheren, of ´Santiagos way`.
Zafra has given much, to which we behold.
May their thoughtfulness, be our reminder now,
As we return honour, as a grateful pilgrim...
A future for kindness for all to see.
Pilgrim brothers, sisters too are fighting so hard,
To make this true, our faith is our sword.
To open up the apathy, will be a loveless task,
But no more than, I`d give, I`d ask.
Determined is our way, to walk a brighter hope,
Share with our neighbours, the love that we are.
Come one and all, lets walk the truth,
And follow our hearts, to where we shine.
Upon the path of pilgrims bringing change,
Where lovelessness and selfishness,
Are sent where they belong.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Your face drops, unexpectedly.
What did you really,
Hope to find here ?
Why were you so shocked,
To find nowhere to go ?
Before you came, at this time,
Hope of something spectacular,
Was in your minds eye.
And the reality of arriving,
Sold you a sorry blow.
The journey seemed wasted,
Nowhere more to go...
But have you really seen,
What brought you all here ?
And what was along the road,
The journey, was it clear ?
Lost somewhere the reason,
Just why you came this season...
For I have seen today,
My destination has been met.
Yet I will not be sad,
Nor will you hear me fret.
I travelled and saw,
The journey, as the reason.
The culdesac of life,
Did not commit me treason.!!!
Her voice carries hopes, upon the Scirocco winds.
Secret messages revealed only to me as I roam,
My quarry leaves her scent, I recognise it immediately.
Beautiful as the oasis, rising from the sands,
And as cooling now, the wind upon my face.
My heart beats steadily, perhaps a flutter or two,
In the sunset fading, comes my dusky siren.
Tired and weary, I rest upon soft linnen cushions,
Reclining ´neath starry skies, the battles won for today.
I know that tomorrow will bring fresh challenge,
And I will ready myself, relaxing in her charm.
As the dawn rouses, I stir from my slumber,
Aware that she has gone, my delight not waning.
For I remember clearly her softness, her warmth,
Guarding me protectively, from the night wolves.
With this passionate love, I set out once more,
To conquer the world, to bring about change.
Peacefully to wage war on the darkness of man,
And reinstate the hopes, that our future be bright.
For I am called to be the Peaceful Warrior,
And filling the world with love is my goal.
Don`t fear me brother, sister, for we are one.
Recieve with open hearts as I, Her loving peace.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
As the time arrives,
To leave this sorry land,
I have aquired pleasantly,
An opportunity to share.
The travel plans hold firm,
Yet will include,
The company of Emma,
My 'wayward' little sister.
Have I to take care,
For her youthful bloom ?
I venture to say no,
As I will be only,
Guardian to her adventure,
And possibly a role model,
For the way, not to,
Do what is preached as rote.
My dear sister, learn,
Not for I but for love.
Be at peace with all,
Let the spirirt flow.
And manage your feelings,
Based not on fear,
But on the joy of living,
We are one, You and I.
EMMA. x x
( Let love guide you )
To Seville and beyond
Oh yes believe me,
I am so keen to begin.
The days seem too long,
Leading to my departure,
Yet I wait with patience,
Knowing my time is coming.
The dusty, romantical city,
That waits for me,
Will soon be in my eyes,
And I, in her heart.
With classical guitars,
Strumming a rousing tune,
And girls with raven hair,
Dancing 'til the dawn,
How can I ever be,
Sorry to leave myself there.
Still more passionate reasons,
May lie up ahead,
And I will be open,
To know when they call,
As will my adventure,
Into the greater unknowns.
The sun has a way,
Of capturing our attentions,
From the soul of the city,
With its'welcome,
Softening my resolves,
To rush through her gates,
In search of escape,
Where her mystery is lost.
Somehow, today, I am floating upon the clouds,
I wonder just how the mood has become lifted high.
Enjoying the ambience of my little, safe retreat.
Sipping, richly roasted coffee, and waiting for you here.
Like a tiny craft, bobbing in the swells,
I imagine our life, its ups and downs.
Lifing us up in love, and letting us fall,
In love too, with all of its rewarding ways.
Ship shape and Bristol fashion, everything is complimentary,
You and me Love, dedicated to being together.
Searching for friendship and the caring we share,
All we need now, is to finally meet !
GOING AWAY (To Heaven on Earth)
Well, how do you feel now that your dreams,
Are to be realised, walking once more, "The way" ?
I can hardly believe, the luck to be blessed
With another great opportuinity to see the way of Santiago.
Knowing the giving spirit By which I will bathe,
I can walk without fear, of ever being truly alone.
I remember so clearly, the polite and positive nature,
Of my fellow pilgrims, as we walked in unity.
Once we had found our rhythm, we walked in a flow,
Not to be discovered, in many other walks of life.
After having been shown, how purely amazing the truth,
Random acts of kindness, being shown to you and I.
My heart is born again, to be in this wonderous love,
Sharing my own pursuance, to be in the moment.
Bold and full of life, I can really empower,
All who's paths' cross mine, that we all reach Santiago.
And upon reaching home, where the angels are singing,
We'll come to know again, how love works its' magic.
With friends new, some older, Santiago will open its' gates,
To all who should enter, following the way of St. James.
And to recieve, will be, our new earth family,
A brotherhood of pilgrims, passive, tolerant and so kind.
Will you try to believe, these words that I repeat?
And follow in love, the way of the Peaceful Warrior.
How can it be unobserved,
When it is open to plain sight ?
The majority seem unaware,
Truely unable to comprehend it.
But to me and a few others,
It is vitaly important indeed.
Some even attempt to deny,
The existence of it, a scandal.
Yet it will remain just so,
For as long as it is true.
And people of all nations,
Can wake up to its' relevance,
Or continue to sleep soundly,
Ignoring the value of insight.
But what a pity it is,
That we consider that we,
Are educated and rational,
When we continue to be so dumb.
Has history no value at all ?
What could all of it say ?
Would the masses not know,
In this observable lesson,
A hope exists to alter,
To rise above the disease.
Plagued throughout history,
We learned little understanding,
And forge again blindly on,
Destroying and hating life.
But our hearts do feel,
What our eyes fail to see !!
Be not blind anymore...x
Many wise people, have already noticed how,
Courage to live is, by far the greatest way,
To enjoy the adventure life has to offer us,
But yet, the starngest truth by which to live.
We actually fear more, than we dare believe,
That we avoid chances, to live as free souls.
We collect an abundance of material, physical things,
Believing this gain is, our truest lifes worth.
Rich people can know, that along with wealth,
Comes a desolation of spirit, if it is not shared.
And that they will die, regardless of this luxury,
As will the poorest alone, in this life.
So I say to myself, seek not material rewards,
Which will, rust, decay, or be sadly stolen.
Build up eternal treasures, that can be given,
Shared freely with all, and enjoyed 'til forever.
Have the courage, to shake off the fear,
That cripples our resolve, and moves us to tears,
Become what we wish our world to be,
Let not our darkness overshadow our real light.
Peaceable, gentle folk, are what we can be,
Let's open our hearts, once again to declare,
A revolution to love, being the universal goal.
Fill our days with kindness, Yes, open the soul.
That we peacefully wage war on oppression.
As I wait for departure, of a 10.30 flight.
To fly off to places, both new and inviting,
The classic old mantra, I continue reciting.
That I will be open, to adventure and change,
Become part of my world, as my hopes re-arrange.
Towards letting the love, of life fill my soul,
As an ambassador to peace, being my goal.
And here at the airport, en-route to horizons,
I relax into freedom, a soft mood, that's surprizing.
For life, is a journey, who knows where it ends ?
As I travel new highways, and encounter new friends.
The thrill of an adventure, breathes light to my soul,
And with expectations rising, my heart, they cajole.
A fresh taste of freedom, and escape from the grind,
All my troubles and grief, I can now leave behind.
A real power I notice, becomes my best friend,
The sharing of an energy, on which I learn to depend.
So I pray that my rapture, doesn't desert me,
Give thanks to the universe, for what she has shown free.
And go forth with zeal, and a challenging stride,
Prepare for the rapids, as lifes' white water I ride !!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
There was a time, so very recent,
When I walked alone upon the way.
My ‘edict’ was simple and pure.
To know love in all its forms.
I set out day after day alone,
Yet arrived commonly in a throng,
Pilgrims young and old smiling bright,
Conveying hopes of their own path,
That may yet yield fruitful crops.
So many became dear to me,
As I carried all my troubles,
Unto Santiago and blessed release.
Here came unique and beautiful,
People of the Earth, to unite,
And make me feel new belief,
That we could share our world.
Barriers were torn down daily,
By these kindly, gentle, sincere folk.
Uschi was so vibrant in her laughter.
Hanns so determined, practically alert.
Braida cared with wonderful healing hands.
Peace surrounded us, as Winnie smiled,
Paul would tuck us in, with a bedtime story,
And with sparkling eyes, Judith knew,
Within was a new generation,
Born without fear of believing,
Paradise was but a breath away.
Collette taught peacefully, positively,
Preparing for a brave new world.
Irene transmutted her Camino dreams,
To her family and us all,
As we began to adorn ourselves,
With this wonderful community, alive.
Once in despair and lonely voice,
Even Francine began to express,
Our joint hopefulness of better times ahead.
Together, we saw, each one, united,
That here we could raise the level,
Of care and energy we could express,
Amidst our brothers and sisters,
A bountiful earthwide family.
For my dear friend Judith,
her partner David and "baby of Santiago"
x x x
As Ghandi once said.
Be the change you wish to see in the world.
Words are so utterly pointless,
But yet we try, that they do,
The work of conveying meaning,
Of what we sould surely do.
And yet if they were true,
No misconception would they allow.
But we see so very clearly,
They lead to pain and sorrow, strangely somehow.
Is there not a more direct advantage,
To pursuing an active life re-course ?
Rather than pontificating in high faluted garble,
Hoping that we may get all the applause.
Doing, is by far the more wholesome tool,
To bring into this world our hope,
Instead of preaching to hungry mouths,
Whilst millions of little children barely cope.
Let us not ignore the common sense,
To share our wealth and health with all,
Giving freely instead of begrudgingly
That, which nature grows ripe and tall.
To end, and rid this world of shame,
For ourselves, who's greed knows no bounds.
By giving away, more of loves rich spoils,
And remembering, what goes around comes around.
It is not money that is the route of all evil.
It is the greed we express to have it all.
Can we not open up our hearts to share it all?
Maktub !
I bow before you,
Oh great and shining one,
For you are indeed,
The image of Love.
About you comes tranquility,
And a way so serene,
It fills my eyes,
With warm salty tears.
Abundant in our Grace,
You display the peace,
We share one and all,
Glorifying Loves true hope.
Your movements are practiced,
and so perfectly true,
I behold even now,
What grace you allow.
It flows like a river,
Through the depths of my heart
Soothing age-ed old sorrows,
Leaving peace in its' wake.
Without a pretense,
You cared how I felt,
And even when I forget,
You care for me still.
How could I be worthy,
To share now your Love ?
Because we, are both one,
You remind me once more.
Recognising the Spirit of the universe.
What can I do ?
When can I love ?
When will I know ?
Why could I forget ?
Will ever I care ?
Would that I believe ?
Whoever would I be ?
Which do I chose ?
Willingly will I go ?
With creation I am.
Whilst being I do.
At this very moment,
In a time that is NOW.

I made you a promise,
That I'd keep in touch.
We all say these words,
For they mean so much.
But do we now honour,
Our sacred oath still,
When we return to reality,
It's a true test of will.
For on the 'Camino',
Close friends we can make,
But we'll lose them its true,
If this care we forsake.
So put pen to paper,
Or call and say," hi ",
You can leave instant message,
If you're linked to wi-fi.
Two worlds have collided,
The day that we met,
We are friends now forever,
Lest we ever forget.
And take home a part,
Of the road we all shared,
Keep it e'er in our lives,
And forget being scared.
For once we became,
Part, of a family united,
Having love in our hearts,
And our friends we invited.
To keep on this road,
With the hope that it gave,
With our efforts rewarded,
And our love we will save.

For Roar, my brother.
Sitting here now,
On the Atlantic shore.
I feel so relaxed,
I could want nothing more.
The journey complete,
Nowhere further to walk,
Enjoying the calmness,
As with friends I now talk.
So many long miles,
Have passed 'neath my feet,
On this road to adventure,
I am discovering, complete.
The warm ocean sounds,
Bring me back to this place,
And the sun on my skin,
Leaves a smile on my face.
After so few hours in company.
That I could be,
Avoiding the finale,
Which will ultimately be sad.
We shared so many days,
Of pleasurable freeness and love,
That it is impossible to accept,
A future distinct than this.
I evoked in this memory,
A world which is open and happy,
Where dissappointment never rules.
And then we have only,
Sixty nine hours left of this journey,
accepting curtailment of plans.
But to be free of restraints,
We would never part, would we?
And continue to be friends.
A life of pure contentment,
We could share as an abundance,
And live in serenity and love.
Oh that we hold on to this,
That we never let go.
For my dear Chandiera.

We came in rain.
It was so lovely,
To see the procession,
The pilgrim familys' arrival.
And these heavenly showers,
Hid my tears flowing,
Freely down my face,
The blessing of being.
We came as one,
Into the sacred city.
Finding solace in unity,
Our progress not hindered,
By the rain above.
Our joy, evident plainly,
On each face passing,
Into the plaza Obradoiro.
And I felt humbled,
sinking to my knees.
Kissing the aged stones,
To give great thanks,
For the, 'Camino de Santiago'.

And in my heart a pain.
Not quite an uncomfortable ache,
But not sadness either.
Getting nearer to the end,
The road seemed somehow easier.
As if the light were brighter,
And the joy, pushing me on.
But to achieve the goal,
I was in triumphant mood.
And yet to leave behind,
The friends so newly dear,
Was a feeling of losing something.
These lovely folk of peace,
And of a united soul,
Who helped me to see,
That, which I could not dream.
Surely, they will, as I,
Carry on this journey forever,
Beyond Santiago and this land.
For what we have shared,
Must not be lost at all....

From the east they came,
Into the sun,
And with their love,
They bid me warm welcome.
A group so small,
They carried a world,
Of love and peace in abundance,
That I may be refreshed.
Weary from days walking,
I bathed in this kindness.
They simply were, graciousness,
Sharing their precious gifts.
Unto their spread table,
I was granted to eat,
The fruits of their labours,
Spending hours with rejoicing.
These four quiet souls,
With an ocean of love.
Gave to the point of exhaustion,
What a wonderful way.
And I saw only light,
From the joy they revealed.
Their powerful virtue,
Giving kindness to all.
I know now that love,
Can conquer us all,
Because I witnessed a miracle,
More than you know.
And these simple people,
Who displayed such power,
Rose in my understanding,
To be forever, THE KINGS OF LEON.
Again I pay homage to Uschi, Paul, Carina and Hanns.
Then hum the tune as you read this poem aloud, like you are singing it. Enjoy!!
If you're going to Santiago,
Be sure to wear, a flower in your hair.
If you're going to Santiago,
Summertime, will be a paradise.
Change pace.
I see from every nation,
We've a new dedication....
To walking in motion.....
To talking in union... Aargh....
If you go now to Santiago,
Be sure to share, the love that you have........
And when you arrive, in Santiago,
No surprize, if others with you share.
Change pace.
We've a new generation,
We have great expectation.....
Of living in friendship......
Of giving our kinship........Aargh....
When your journey, to Santiago,
Helps you to share, with all the pilgrims there,
Days of grace, in Santiago,
Every other, will be a love affair.
Change pace.
So my great dedication,
Is for every nation.....
We may live in union.....
That we live in union.......Aargh.....
If you're going, to Santiago,
Be sure to pray, for all the people there.
That like here, in Santiago,
Our earth, will be a loving place......
Peace Love Unity x
That we are near.
And the reality,
Tells us there is time.
So many miles
That have passed by.
And still more,
I have to endure ahead.
But the feeling,
Is that with patience,
I will arrive,
To the journeys last place.
Along the route,
The markers count down.
With each footfall,
My destiny comes so close.
My body aches,
As it faces the day.
And with evensong,
The place to rest so sweet.
Golden sunshine leads,
And Santiago is near.
Another few miles,
And I will find my joy.
On the threshold,
Of a citys welcome,
I sit for a while,
To reflect the marvelous way.
I come finally,
To see great hope.
Peace and reward,
As the mystery is revealed.

A strange devilment,
Asked me to contemplate,
Walking through the night.
A chance to see,
All that was visible,
Unto pilgrims of old.
That which had guided them,
The heavens and their mystery,
Thousands of souls before.
I never imagined,
That the celestial skies,
Were so busy at night.
Without the glare,
Of neon and sulphur lamps,
An enchanting blanket I beheld.
As powerful magic,
My heart was left in awe,
At this spectacular arena.
Cosmic energy beheld,
I felt humbled, and so tiny,
In the presence of beauty.
But she took the bridge.
As fearless as a warrior,
To vanquish all her fears.
Defiantly striding forward,
Against the dread of completing,
The road of sun and rain,
She conquered this army.
At her side, we strode on,
Crossing into the future.
The new and just battles,
Waged against fear and helplessness.
As the sun rose hotly,
Her armour became tiresome.
Yet Cristina moved ever ahead,
Yielding not to pain or hunger.
The evening finally arrived,
The days warfare, over for now.
She smiled, and lifted our spirits,
As her warrior song rang out.

Folly maybe, but fun.
Projecting back in time,
To the days of great swordsmen.
Lining the banks of the river,
To see the dual to come.
Good versus evil,
Was as ever challenged here,
Repressing the old way of warfare.
Swords drawn forcefully now,
And hearts beating faster.

Surveying the enemy,
Feeling his eyes moving furtively,
Seeking an advantage, a flaw.
The first lunge came now,
Pushed back with shining steel.
A fury of sparks,
Rang from the heavy weapons,
As the tirade became hopeless.
I saw my opponent left open,
And thrust forward quickly.
A horrible wail,
The pain of cold steel now,
Bringing the pointless finale,
To the dual of wits,
And my own downfall.
Heroes lost forever,
As saints died in pain.
And my own desires perished,
To see this tradgedy repeated,
Another drop of blood shed.
We hear the cry,
Of a man telling tales,
From days, now gone by.
Across the dark miles,
His voice it rings out,
To a companion of old,
He proclaims in a shout.
I listen in Wonder,
About what they tell,
Corrupting the silence,
The old man does yell.
And back comes reply,
From so far away,
The call of amigos,
Not so easy by day.
But here in the moonlight,
The story takes shape,
Of a simple mans lifestyle,
And of sharing the grape.

Silohetted in a window,
The old man I spy,
And he notices us,
From the corner, of his eye.
So he breaks up his chat,
To show us the way,
Pointing clearly our path now,
And the town far away.
I wave to this man,
Then quietly walk on,
Wondering more of his calmness,
As he hepled us along.
Then back to his chatting,
As if we'd not been,
In the strange moonlit night,
Nothing is what it seems....

My feet stamp.
I drag the ground.
My breathing ragged.
Whorls of vapour rise,
As my arms widen.
Lungs drawing deeply,
Icy cold plumes inhaled.
Sensing the vigour,
About to be unleashed.
My chest rising powerfully.

Then as one,
We charge unfettered.
Racing into life,
Galloping the meadow.
Bringing great speed,
And motion into legs,
Stretching still faster.
The wind arousing,
The fury of life,
In the heart of this stag....

As morning dew is on the ground,
The pilgrims pass, without a sound.
They take a glance, I catch their eye,
As peacefully, they walk on by.
Like me, they wonder, of the quest,
Which route, which path, could be the best.
And why we all, have come here,
It may be time to challenge fear.
Or maybe just some quiet time,
Our dreams and hope, we can refine.
Without the stress, the demands of life,
Our hearts are opened, emotions rife.
The texture of this morning dew,
Is like our hearts are feeling new.
To open up to every sound,
As our feet glide softly over ground.
And now the sun, it hits my back,
Beams its glory over pilgrim track.
And lifts the dew from solemn soil,
Announces the day, we have to toil.
And lowing eyes,
I see a soul,
Devoid of lies.
A great protector,
Of virtues true.
These pleasant folk,
With balanced view.
Not so unlike,
This pilgrim tale,
This merry bunch,
My stories hale.
I count aloud,
My blessings grand,
As into love,
They hold my hand.
And share together,
This loving way.
A friend forever,
To save the day.
This journey to end.
As I sit here,
With my new best friend.
For in these days,
Of adventure and fun,
We shared great times,
In the land of the sun.
And our shared times,
Have given great light,
Of simpler values restored,
As together we fight.
That we can learn,
What's important and true,
And share all our love,
Making this earth like new.
And in this way,
We'll save our souls,
From the waste of life,
Following our selfish goals.....
I came to find a quiet place,
Whence my hunger be restored.
An old lady,
Served coffee and bread.
The plantation of her toil,
was all about,
And the quietness calmed me.
Birds serenaded me,
As I ate this simple meal,
And their call was enticing.
A stream below,
Wound along the valley,
Cascading through stone beds.
The cherries are ripe now,
And sweet on my tongue,
As I watched a young squirrel,
Pass by along the Camino,
In search of its home.
And so passed an hour,
In tranquil repast.
My heart beating soundly,
The joy of this life,
And my love.